Eight Great Dishes of Yancheng
updated: 2016-03-30   views:      font-size:【big middle small


The Eight Great Dishes of Yancheng are the eight dishes in Yancheng households to receive guests. The ingredients are normally scallion, ginger, salt, and sugar. The first of the eight dishes is meat fat, also the mixture of meat skin and fat. The second dish, braised gluttonous meat ball, is made of gluttonous rice and meat fried. There are 24 for 8 people, with each person three meat balls. The third of the eight dishes is beef, vermicelli, with Chinese pak-choi. The fourth is braised meat. The fifth is the chicken chips with vermicelli. The sixth is sea shell with dried tea leaves. The seventh is the river fresh (wild fish, shrimp and crab). The eighth is shrimp soup (arrowhead dices with dried shrimp). Then, with Chinese pak-choi and tofu, this implies a low-profile and integrity of life philosophy.

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