Yancheng Leading Officials Meeting Held to Announce Xu Ying as Party Secretary of CPC Yancheng Municipal Committee
updated: 2022-05-13   views:      font-size:【big middle small

On May 5, the CPC Yancheng Municipal Committee held a leading officials meeting to announce the decision of the Provincial Party Committee that Comrade Xu Ying was appointed Member, Standing Committee Member and Party Secretary of Yancheng Municipal Committee. Zhao Shiyong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Organization Department, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhou Wei, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Non-public Enterprises and Social Organizations Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, declared the relevant decisions of the Provincial Party Committee. Party Secretary Xu Ying delivered a speech, and Zhou Bin, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor, presided over the meeting.

Xu Ying said that she will fully support and resolutely obey the decision of the Provincial Party Committee. Taking over the baton passed down from generation to generation in Yanchengs reform and development, we will regard stressing politics as the fundamental link, taking responsibility as the need to perform our duties, taking serving the people as the mission, and valuing conduct as our own requirements. We will wholeheartedly run the relay race, forge ahead to catch up with the exam, be a good respondent as always, practice the value responsibility of sharing weal and woe together, and strive to write a new chapter in the modernization drive of Yancheng, which will be stronger, more prosperous, prettier and at a higher level.