Yancheng North Comprehensive Freight Hub Completed for Operation
updated: 2021-07-20   views:      font-size:【big middle small

On July 16, with the departure of the first Yancheng-Ningbo Port sea-rail combined transport train with photovoltaic products, the Yancheng North Comprehensive Freight Hub, which is the new railway freight yard, was officially completed and put into operation. Vice Mayor Wu Benhui attended the on-site meeting.

In recent years, Yancheng has actively promoted the adjustment of transportation structure for deep integration and seamless connection of various transportation modes, accelerating the formation of a convenient and efficient logistics network with internal and external connections. The completion and operation of the freight hub will greatly improve the city's multimodal transport efficiency and comprehensive logistics service level, marking Yancheng's active integration into the Yangtze River Delta and further acceleration on the pace of increasing economic openness, which is bound to achieve a major breakthrough on high-quality development in the mutual promotion of the domestic and international "dual circulations", and play an important leading and supporting role in undertaking the transfer of the logistics industry in the Yangtze River Delta and efficiently accelerating its industrial transformation.